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【書類対策】早稲田大学文化構想学部 JCulp (国際日本文化論プログラム)の志望理由書を解説

【プロが書く志望理由書】早稲田大学 文化構想学部JCulpの志望理由書対策を解説!志望理由書のサンプルも掲載しています!




このページでは、早稲田大学文化構想学部の JCulP (国際日本文化論プログラム) の入試で課される志望理由書について担当講師がサンプルと解説を作成しました!JCulP にチャレンジしてみたいと考えている学生さんは是非最後まで読んで入試対策の参考にしてみてください!


早稲田大学文化構想学部JCulp 志望理由書サンプル

I desire to take the Global Studies in Japanese Cultures Program (JCulP), which the School of Culture, Media and Society (CMS) offers in your university. I would like to deeply study Japanese culture and achieve new understandings by dealing with them in English. I believe that in the program, I will discover what we did not know about Japanese culture before, and it could be an outstanding contribution to proceed with our study of Japanese culture.

I believe that it is essential to touch many different ideas, especially when studying Japanese traditional culture. I have studied traditional Japanese literature such as “The Ten Thousand Leaves,” “The Tale of Genji” and “The Tosa Diary” from when I was eight years old. They were only as a hobby when I began reading them, but after entering junior high school, I have earnestly studied them as the field of my specialty. Mainly, I have an avid interest in “The Tale of Genji” by Lady Murasaki. I have read the original edition and modern versions by Mitsuyo Kakuta, Mariko Hayashi, and even Akiko Yosano. Each book has slight or even great differences in expressions and interpretations on the original version. I had enjoyed studying the tale by comparing these different editions until about two years ago. My fifteen pages of paper about “The Tale of Genji” were adopted by “Nihon Bunka Kenkyu” published by an assembly of Japanese cultural study in XXX University. I wrote about different interpretations of the tale from a field of comparative study.

However, I have realized it is also necessary to adopt other languages in our study so that we can deepen our understanding and find novel ideas about our traditional cultures. When I was in 11th grade, fortunately, I could go to Iran as a study abroad program. I studied Muslim cultures, such as their traditional literature, music, paintings, and even lifestyles. All the classes there were held in English and Persian. Of course, I had studied Islamic cultures and ideas before the curriculum in Japanese. All the students, including me, however, find much knowledge we did not know nor ideas we had before by studying them in English and Persian. Through the classes, I noticed that other languages could broaden even our fields of Japanese cultural study. After returning to Japan, I began to read the English translation of “The Tale of Genji” by Edward G. Seidensticker. It has more straight expressions than modern Japanese editions and gives us clear and even charming images of the story.

 Though the other languages, such as English, can bring about new understandings, only a few scholars try to utilize them for their fields. It is not easy to find professors who can lead me and even programs or seminars that deal with Japanese culture in English. I have continued my new study for almost two years, but currently, I found difficulties in it alone. Therefore I would like to expand my studies under professor Shiho Takai. I have spent many hours reading literature, but I would like to compose my output in her courses, such as a new edition of English translations and support references for scholars from other countries and even Japanese scholars.

Additionally, I also have a deep interest in religious cultures. Iran’s experience allowed me to consider holy things: beliefs itself, cultures, lives, and some issues. After the program, I started to research about Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism as well. These religions have both different and common ideas, histories, and traditions. Cultures and lives are also different between each religion. “The Tale of Genji” and other Japanese cultures were born in traditional Japanese backgrounds. They may not entirely fit people from other cultural backgrounds. Then, I also would like to publish unique versions of traditional Japanese literature that meet their different backgrounds.

Therefore, I am strongly eager to take JCulP to proceed with my research and close on my future achievement. Both of my goals: to broaden my horizons in Japanese cultural studies; to compose cultural translation of Japanese literature, can not be realized without unique studies in JCulP. Through the research about Japanese traditional and even modern cultures in English, I will find the path to achieve my contribution to Japanese cultural study. (709 words)

JCulP 合格のための志望理由書解説


第1段落は絶対に Introduction にしましょう!JCulP の中でもどの学科を志望しているのか明確にし、また、JCulP に入る目的も簡潔に示してください。




ここではイランへの留学を通して文化を複数言語で学ぶことで得られる気づきやその重要性についてまとめています。JCulP ではなぜ日本文化を英語で学ぶ必要性があるのか理解していることが強く求められます。このように言語や文化を超えての学びを経験してみるのは良い機会となるでしょう!


そしてここでは JCulP で学びたい理由に加えて、いかに自分の将来と大学での学びがつながっていくかについても考えています。大学への入学はゴールではなくあくまで通過点であり、経過です。自らの求める最終到着地点はどこにあるのか、改めて考えてみましょう!


そして最後に自らのユニークネスについてもまとめています。文学だけでなく宗教についても関心があり、そこから気づいた文学の持つ問題点やその改善方法などをまとめ、そのための学びについても考えています。JCulP の入試ではなぜ入学に値するユニークな学生であるかを明確に問うています。自らの強みや関心を引き出してかけると良いでしょう!


最終段落は必ず Conclusion となります。ここまでの要点をまとめ、JCulP  への入学を強く希望していることを伝え切りましょう!








  • プロや経験者のサポートが得られる!
  • 仲間とともに楽しく受験を乗り越えられる!
  • 人のつながりで課外活動がやりやすくなる!


